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Audrey Hepburn & Rex Harrison - My Fair Lady (Original Soundtrack) (CD)

Audrey Hepburn & Rex Harrison - My Fair Lady (Original Soundtrack) (CD)
Audrey Hepburn & Rex Harrison - My Fair Lady (Original Soundtrack) (CD)
Act I
2Why Can't The English?3:02
3Wouldn't It Be Loverly4:20
4The Flower Market1:55
5I'm An Ordinary Man4:40
6With A Little Bit Of Luck3:35
7Just You Wait2:57
8Servants' Chorus1:15
9The Rain In Spain2:13
10I Could Have Danced All Night3:57
11Ascot Gavotte3:07
12Ascot Gavotte (Reprise)2:10
13On The Street Where You Live1:58
Act II
15The Transylvanian March1:29
16The Embassy Waltz1:57
17You Did It4:30
18Just You Wait (Reprise)1:30
19On The Street Where You Live (Reprise)1:14
20Show Me2:10
21The Flowermarket2:50
22Get Me To The Church On Time5:28
23A Hymn To Him3:35
24Without You2:31
25I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face5:55
26End Titles2:05
27Exit Music1:12
Etiquetas: c
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